
Re-upholstery on Global Recycling Day - 18th March

With a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, furniture companies are increasingly seeking ways to contribute to a greener society. One highly effective solution? Re-upholstering! This process involves refurbishing existing furniture frames by replacing the surface material with new fabric or leather, thereby giving them a fresh lease on life. Despite its significance, the environmental benefits of furniture re-upholstery are often overlooked. So, if you're interested in revitalising your furniture while also helping the planet, read on!

1. Decreases Furniture Sent to Landfills
Many individuals readily discard furniture featuring outdated or damaged fabric. However, often the frame remains structurally sound and can be effectively utilised if the material is updated. Re-upholstering extends furniture lifespan with minimal effort, enhancing durability and reducing landfill waste. Moreover, this process curtails energy consumption in furniture production, a key factor in combating global warming.

2. Mitigates Contribution to Global Warming
While seemingly minor, manufacturing and transporting new furniture significantly contribute to global emissions. Furniture often traverses vast distances before reaching consumers, accumulating substantial carbon footprints. Reupholstery substantially mitigates this process, requiring only a fraction of the travel resources. Furthermore, reusing materials like cushioning foam or webbing reduces resource consumption and offers a more affordable alternative to purchasing new furniture.

3. Promotes Resource Reuse
In addition to lessening its impact on global warming, upholstery reduces overall resource consumption. Beyond fabric and leather, materials such as cushioning foam or webbing can be salvaged from existing pieces. This practice optimizes resource utilization and diminishes the need for new resources in furniture production. By crafting new, eco-friendly furniture from existing materials, we contribute to resource conservation and environmental preservation.


Given its numerous environmental advantages, re-upholstery is gaining popularity. At Material Things we are dedicated to restoring well-made furniture to its original glory. Committed to sustainability, we offer long-lasting furniture solutions. Our team of skilled Master Upholsterers breathes new life into existing furniture, ensuring it appears brand new. If you're considering transitioning to more sustainable furniture options, choose Material Things. Contact us today on 02392 313000 to make a free, at home, no obligation appointment & embark on your eco-friendly furniture journey – you won't be disappointed!

Read morePosted by Matthew Gingell
18th March 2024
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